Postcard Victory of Samothrace | Lotza - Travel posters

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Postcard Victory of Samothrace


This original work by Lotza represents one of the most famous votive monuments in the Louvre Museum in Paris; located at the top of the main staircase since 1884. It was found on the island of Samothrace, in the northern Aegean Sea. This masterpiece of Greek sculpture consists of a statue representing the goddess Nike (Victory), whose head and arms are missing, and its base in the shape of a ship’s bow. The total height of the monument is 5.12 meters; the statue alone measures 2.75 meters.

You will find below a situation to better see the postcard.
The postcard is sent in a bubble envelope.

Size: 3.93 x 5.28in
Paper weight: 736.5in
Matte coated paper.

This postcard is an original work by Lotza and is printed in Charente, France.

Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg


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